Sustainability Questions

3 sustainability questions to Timothy Walentynowicz, Chairman of DIB Travel

Posted on
November 22, 2022
Timothy Walentynowicz
Timothy Walentynowicz
Chairman of DIB Travel
Editorial Team

What does sustainable travel mean to you?

DIB Travel’s motto is doing business travel better and sustainability is at the core of our company. Since the very beginning, we started exploring the best options to truly incorporate more sustainable features into the way we do business and we’ve come to several conclusions: our clients were more than willing to participate; every traveller needed to understand the extent of their carbon footprint; instead of “green preaching”, it was up to us to offer concrete steps to our clients to compensate for their carbon footprint and find tangible options or projects that each traveller could read more about and invest in by paying a small fee.

How do you see the future of travel?

First and foremost: sustainability all around! We are all well aware that currently there is a long way to go before travel is made 100% environmentally friendly. However, the current efforts in this industry are more than promising! Next: full digitalization. It’s already a given that you’d book your flight or bus or train ride online — accommodation too! On that note, DIB Travel has been working on unifying the entire process by creating a platform where travellers can book an entire trip within a few minutes, instead of searching around — all relevant filters and information are already integrated into our platform, drawing data from the biggest providers available like Expedia, SJ, Amadeus and many more. This type of integration is another important trend as the transition is already happening, so I expect many travel companies will follow our lead.

Why did you choose SQUAKE as your partner for this project?

Relevant and reliable data on CO2 emissions is a valuable asset for any travel company focusing on making travel sustainable. SQUAKE’s custom API allows our clients to see the exact amount of CO2 released for every flight and, additionally, it enables real-time tracking so that every traveller gets a clear idea of the human impact on the environment. Finally, though environmental awareness is an important aspect of DIB Travel’s mission, it was crucial for us to showcase various options to compensate for our carbon footprint. In this case, SQUAKE is a valuable connection to different projects that give back to the environment — the best part is that our partners can actively participate by paying a small green fee that is invested into these projects directly. Overall, the collaboration between DIB Travel and SQUAKE is making this world a better place, one trip at a time!